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3 Outdoor Gear Companies That You Need For Camping

Writer's picture: Hannah SmentkowskiHannah Smentkowski

Updated: Dec 14, 2021

Hannah Unbound backpacking in the Colorado mountain using all of her favorite outdoor gear brands

When shopping for camping or hiking gear it can get a bit overwhelming with the choices of products and brands. And it's especially scary when most of these products are crazy expensive and supposed to last you for a lifetime of adventures, you want to make sure you make the right choice.

If you're anything like me, all of this puts you into "analysis paralysis". I get so anxious about making the right choice that I never even make one! Lucky for you I've spent a ridiculous amount of time worrying for you and testing out these top outdoor gear brands to make sure you make the right decision on what companies to trust on your next outdoor purchase.


Disclosure: Some of the links in this post are affiliate links and if you go through them to make a purchase I will earn a small commission at zero extra cost to you. I link to these companies and their products because of their quality and not because of the commission. Thank you!


Table of Contents:


Hannah Unbound backpacking Catalina Island with her Osprey backpack

The best company in the business when it comes to making high-end backpacks for any need. If you want an ultralight hiking bag, they've got it, a durable backpacking bag, no problem, even a stylish commuter bag to hold your laptop.

Osprey Packs is a company that not only creates amazing backpacks but also gives back to the environment. With their connections with Wildlife at Risk, the Continental Divide Coalition, the Conservation Alliance, and many more environmental charities, you know your support of this company supports our beautiful natural areas. They also team up with social charities to help include minorities in outdoor adventurings such as Outdoor Afro and the Venture Out Project.

The biggest draw that really helped me decide on this backpack brand is their "All Mighty Guarantee", which offers you the chance to send in your bag for repair no matter when you bought it. And if they can't fix it, they'll send you a brand new bag of the closest caliber. You really can't beat an actual lifetime guarantee, knowing that no matter what happens to your bag, you can always get it replaced eased almost all of my fears.

I personally own the Hikelite 26L for hiking because it's one of their lightest hiking bags that still offers great comfort, ventilation, and tons of storage space for my other hiking gear. It's also a unisex bag so it fits a range of body types. For backpacking, I own the Aura AG 65, a large, durable, and surprisingly comfortable backpacking bag that can carry all of my camping essentials, and the not-so-essential (drone, emergency twinkie, and the like). This bag is specifically made for women, but it also comes in a men's size know as the Atmos AG 65 which is almost the exact same bag but without certain small changes in hip padding and chest strap location.

Similar Quality Backpack Companies:



Hannah Unbound camping in her Nemo Dagger 2P backpacking tent

Nemo Equipment is a company that I honestly didn't really consider originally when I was looking for a high-end backpacking tent. With some of the most popular tents on the market coming from MSR and Big Agnes, it's difficult for many to even consider trying out another brand for my shelter needs, but that's what I'm here to show you, Nemo knows what they're doing.

This is another outdoor company that prides itself on sustainability with a Lifetime Guarantee that I tested out myself with the tent I ordered. When I received my tent I set it up in my living room and immediately proceeded to mess up the zipper track rendering the entire tent door useless and unzippable. I told Nemo what happened and they said "No problem, send it back and we'll send you a new tent body". Within the next week, I had my fresh new tent and I couldn't have been happier. They want to fix your gear instead of throwing it away and use certain materials and chemicals that are better for the environment.

After probably around 6 months of tent research, scouring online reviews, looking up stats, and going to outdoor gear shops to open up the tents and climb inside, I finally decided on buying the Nemo Dagger 2P and the attachable footprint. While everyone's tent needs are different, mine being enough space for me and my 80lb dog, plus enough headroom that I could sit up inside. Not to mention, lightweight for backpacking, accessory pockets, large vestibules for extra storage, and great ventilation. With all of these factors in mind, the Nemo Dagger was a no-brainer, for the space to weight to price ratio, it is the best option out there.

Now that I've had this tent for 2 years and have put it through intense lightning storms full of hail and crazy winds, alongside hot sandy deserts, and cold misty beaches, I can say with certainty I trust this tent with my life. While I haven't tried their other products, they do also make sleeping bags, sleeping pads, pillows, chairs, and other outdoor gear items that would be worth checking out.

Other great tent companies:



a basket at REI filled with Therm-a-rest sleeping pads for sale

If you're in the market for the best night of sleep you can get outdoors then look no further than Them-a-rest sleeping pads. This company has been making outdoor mattresses since the early 70's and is the original inventor of the self-inflating foam mattress. Even though they started more than 45 years ago they never stop progressing with constant updates and upgrades, you're always getting the best pad they can possibly come up with.

No matter if you're going car camping or backpacking, they have a multitude of different sleeping pads to suit your needs. From ultralight to extra insulation to full 4inch mattresses, you can find exactly what you need. Plus, they make it easy to buy the right one with their sleeping pad finder which is a quick quiz you can take to make sure you buy what you want for your comfort needs.

Many more companies are coming out with their own sleeping pads, and I'm not going to tell you they're horrible options, but just know that they are all copying a technology that started with this company. That's why I trust Therm-a-rest. I currently own the Prolite Sleeping Pad which rolls up very small and is extremely lightweight, but it's a little too thin for me so I'm hoping to upgrade to the Prolite Apex next camping season for some extra thickness without the added weight.

Other good sleeping pad companies:



Nemo backpacking tent set up in the mountains with hammocks on pine trees

Those are my top 3 outdoor gear companies I trust with my camping needs Osprey Packs, Nemo Equipment, and Therm-a-rest. While I of course use many different wonderful brands for every single piece of equipment I own, I wanted to put out some brands for the bigger purchases of your outdoor career, so you know your well-earned money is going to the right companies.

As always, you can contact me directly or DM me on Instagram with any questions you may have about these companies or outdoor gear in general, and let me know in the comments below what your favorite outdoor brands are! I'm always on the lookout for more camping gear!

Until Next Time,

Happy Trails!

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